
Legacy: Spring Newsletter 2021

The work of a land trust is inextricably linked to legacy. Tasked with protecting natural lands in perpetuity, we are ensuring that the world we leave behind includes spaces where plants, wildlife and humans alike can thrive. Land Conservancy supporters are creating this legacy—whether they

Winter’s Work: Preserve Stewardship Update

After the winter chill sets in, and the dormant plants’ myriad hues of brown are covered by a crisp white blanket, fieldwork still beckons for the staff of the Land Conservancy of West Michigan. Although the bulk of our work requires plants to be green and actively growing, there is still plenty to do after the leaves fall. So,

Holiday Hike Challenge Results!

This holiday season, many of you set out to find the big red holiday bows hanging on trees in 16 of our nature preserves. You travelled across West Michigan with your friends, family and pets and discovered gorgeous natural places—some for the first time!  A hearty thanks to everyone who participated in our Holiday Hike Challenge! Today we

4 Eerie parasitic plants and where to find them

Happy Halloween! It’s that special time of year when we spend unusual amounts of time thinking about ghosts, goblins, skeletons, spiders, and creepy things in general.  We here at the Land Conservancy are no exception: Lately I’ve been thinking about parasites.  What’s a parasite, exactly?  In short, it’s a creature that lives on or in another organism, on which it feeds.  Lampreys, leeches,

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