Water Tag

National Trails Day Hike & Paddle

The Land Conservancy and Ottawa County Parks are teaming up for National Trails Day! The afternoon will begin with a guided paddle on the Pigeon River, one of Ottawa County’s hidden gems and will meet up with a guided wildflower hike upon arrival at Hemlock

Water Lilies

The following post is from Preserved! artist Susan Rose. You can see more of her work on her website at susanmrosefineart.com. Learn more about the Preserved! art program and purchase tickets to the Grand Rapids gallery opening here. As one of the artists for the Land Conservancy

The Power of Place

The following post is from Preserved! artist Kathy Mohl. The post was originally posted at kathymohl.fineartstudioonline.com where you can see more of her work. Learn more about the Preserved! art program and purchase tickets to the Grand Rapids gallery opening here. Can our surroundings boost our mood? A trip

Lake Michigan Ice Mountains

The following post is from guest blogger, Mary McKSchmidt. The post originally appeared on her blog where you can find more photos of the ice mountains. *** When the first chill of winter settles like a mist upon my shoulders, I cannot remain indoors for fear of

A Michigan fish that was – the Arctic Grayling

Have you ever heard of the Arctic Grayling? Before the abundance of brown trout and steelhead in Michigan’s rivers, this fish with the large dorsal fin is the one that anglers dreamt about. And it’s possible that it might make a return.   A victim of the logging

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