The Highlands Tag

Stream Daylighting Celebration & Tree Planting

Throughout the summer, construction crews have been hard at work bringing a buried stream back to the surface at The Highlands, a natural area protected in partnership between Blandford Nature Center and the Land Conservancy of West Michigan. The work is nearly complete! The new

Tree Planting Workday at The Highlands

Join the Land Conservancy of West Michigan, Blandford Nature Center, and the Trout Unlimited Tree Army at The Highlands to plant trees along the new stream! Tools, water, and snacks will be provided. Please wear boots and bring your own work gloves. Please register to

Tree Planting Workday at The Highlands

Join the Land Conservancy of West Michigan, Blandford Nature Center, and the Trout Unlimited Tree Army at The Highlands to plant trees along the new stream! Tools, water, and snacks will be provided. Please wear boots and bring your own work gloves. Please register to

Second Saturday Workday at The Highlands

Join the Land Conservancy of West Michigan and Blandford Nature Center at The Highlands to plant native plants as part of the property's restoration. Tools, water, and snacks will be provided. Please register to attend!      Register on EventBrite About Second Saturday Events The Land Conservancy’s 18 nature

Stream daylighting begins at The Highlands

Work has begun to “daylight” an underground stream at The Highlands, a natural area protected by Blandford Nature Center and the Land Conservancy of West Michigan. Several partners met to break ground on the project on July 11, 2022.  As part of the ongoing restoration of

Volunteer Appreciation Celebration and Tree Planting

The Land Conservancy of West Michigan invites you to celebrate YOU, our volunteer! We couldn't do what we do without you. Please join us for a volunteer appreciation event at The Highlands. The day will begin with a tree planting as part of the continued transformation

Second Saturday Workday at The Highlands

Join the Land Conservancy of West Michigan and Blandford Nature Center at The Highlands to plant native plants as part of the property's long-term restoration. Tools, water, and snacks will be provided. Please register to attend!      About Second Saturday Events The Land Conservancy’s 16 nature preserves

CANCELLED Second Saturday Workday at The Highlands

In accordance with the recent order issued by the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and in the interest of your health and safety, the Land Conservancy of West Michigan has cancelled this workday. Stay safe and healthy this winter—and look forward to joining

Second Saturday Workday at The Highlands

The Land Conservancy and Blandford Nature Center are hosting a stewardship workday at The Highlands to plant trees as part of the continued restoration of the landscape!      About Second Saturday Events The Land Conservancy’s 16 nature preserves contain an incredible diversity of natural features including prairies,

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