Conservation Tag

A look back on 2019

With the help of our supporters and volunteers, 2019 was a great year at the Land Conservancy of West Michigan. As we embark on the new year, we want to reflect on last year’s achievements. Join us in looking back on what we have accomplished

Fall Trail Building Workshop

Join us for a free hands-on workshop focused on the basics of trail building. Learn how thoughtful trail design keeps our communities, streams, and natural areas healthy. Local experts will cover proper tool selection, trail design, and building techniques to help you create or reimagine

Saugatuck Sunset Hike

Named one of America’s best beaches, the sands of Saugatuck have called travelers far and wide to enjoy its clean shoreline, squeaky sand, stunning dunes, and beautiful sunsets. Join The Nature Conservancy and the Land Conservancy of West Michigan for a guided hike as we

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