News & Blog

Remembering Valerino Castro

We are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Valerino Castro, a man who played a pivotal role in the establishment of the Land Conservancy’s first nature preserve.  Valerino and his wife Maria owned the land that is now Saul Lake Bog Nature Preserve. Under their care, the land

Taking on Oak Wilt

If you have recently hiked through Saul Lake Bog Nature Preserve, you may have noticed that some of the trees bear blue or red markings.  If you guessed that those markings denote trees that will be removed, you are right. Unfortunately, oak wilt has been discovered on the preserve and has already killed dozens of oaks. The disease will continue to spread without action, and that

Legacy: Spring Newsletter 2021

The work of a land trust is inextricably linked to legacy. Tasked with protecting natural lands in perpetuity, we are ensuring that the world we leave behind includes spaces where plants, wildlife and humans alike can thrive. Land Conservancy supporters are creating this legacy—whether they

Focal Region Feature: Eastern Glacial Corridor

The Land Conservancy of West Michigan’s Strategic Conservation Plan identifies three regions where we will focus conservation efforts. In this article, we explore the Eastern Glacial Corridor in a Q&A with LCWM Stewardship Director Justin Heslinga. Can you speak to the ecological importance of the Eastern