News & Blog

Restoring the Oak Savanna

Oak savannas present a unique opportunity to make a big impact for preserving and restoring biodiversity, health, and resilience to the West Michigan landscape. Once abundant in Michigan, oak savannas are now incredibly rare, and they are a regional and national priority for protection and

Chuck and Pat Bloom Commit to Nature Nearby

Chuck and Patricia Ann, ‘Pat,’ Bloom have lived in Grand Rapids their entire lives. Chuck worked as a Certified Public Accountant and Pat practiced and taught nursing. The pair know a thing or two about commitment. This September, they celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary.   Chuck

Letter from the Executive Director

Dear Cherished Community Members,  As the ephemeral blossoms of spring grace our landscapes, their transient beauty mirrors the fleeting nature of our lives, inspiring contemplation on the interwoven threads of our existence. Like these briefly blooming flora, we are beckoned to seize the moment, using our

From Forest to Faucet

For those of us who live in more urban or suburban settings, getting a nature fix can feel difficult. We might feel like we must drive to a distant preserve to feel a connection with the natural world.   But the truth is that nature is

A Preserve in Progress

As the chill of winter slowly loosens its grip, the familiar signs of spring are returning to McDuffee Creek Nature Preserve. The grays and browns of the winter landscape are warming up into a vibrant chartreuse. Returning birds are filling the canopy with their familiar

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