WATCH: Spencer High highlights natural features found at McDuffee Creek Nature Preserve

WATCH: Spencer High highlights natural features found at McDuffee Creek Nature Preserve

McDuffee Creek Nature Preserve features many unique habitats. Explore a few of them with Spencer High of Querkus Creative! Throughout the year, Spencer is sharing videos highlighting the ecosystems, plants, and wildlife that the new nature preserve protects. Watch the first two, featuring vernal pools and cedar swamps, below. Follow @querkuscreative and @naturenearby on Instagram to catch upcoming videos!

You can also watch the videos on YouTube here.

The Land Conservancy of West Michigan is currently raising funds to protect McDuffee Creek Nature Preserve in perpetuity. Please, make a gift today to support the acquisition of the preserve, establishment of public access features, and care of the natural features for generations to come. Make a donation at Thank you for your support!

Diving into Vernal Pools


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The Ecology of Cedar Swamps


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