The Highlands is now protected by a conservation easement

The Highlands is now protected by a conservation easement

The Highlands is a unique property to protect because it is in two ownerships. Blandford Nature Center and the Land Conservancy each own a portion. The portion owned by the Land Conservancy is protected as a nature preserve. As of late January, the portion owned by Blandford is protected by a conservation easement. 

What changes? Not much! The Highlands will continue to be managed as one natural area. But with the establishment of the conservation easement, signed by LCWM Executive Director Kim Karn and Blandford Nature Center President/CEO Jack Woller, the two organizations have legally ensured that the portion owned by Blandford will be kept as open space, and any future buildings will be limited to a specific zone of the property and must support nature-based education and quiet recreation. 

We are grateful to have Blandford Nature Center as a partner in the protection, restoration, and stewardship of The Highlands!

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