Spring Arrivals

Spring Arrivals

This morning I stopped by Saul Lake Bog Nature Preserve to prep for some upcoming fieldwork (we’re restoring more than 7 acres of prairie and savanna this year). As I stepped out of the truck, a primordial squawk from just overhead led me to pick up my camera and forget about my intended work for a few minutes: the sandhill cranes are back!

As I watched, the sandhills made a couple of passes over the bog before landing on the far side of the prairie.

Sandhill Crane Flying

They later moved to a nearby field in search of grain left over from last year’s harvest.

Sandhill Crane in Field

Two more sandhills flew in over Saul Lake Bog, eventually joining the others in the field.

Sandhill Crane over trees

When the preserve was established in 1988, Saul Lake Bog was the only known breeding grounds for sandhill cranes in Kent County. Thanks to successful conservation measures over the last 25 years, sandhill numbers now abound. Their cacophonous, rattling call is a requisite sign of spring’s arrival in West Michigan.

  • Fred Bryant

    It is the best return on investment possible. Hard work and dedication made this possible. Congratulations to all who worked to allow this to happen.fbryant319@gmail.com fbry

    March 17, 2016at6:28 am
  • Jacqueline Brayman, Ed. D.

    Cause for celebration. Thanks for sharing! J Brayam

    March 17, 2016at1:23 pm

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