Reflections Tag

Meandering with Mom

Every time I think my mom is difficult to shop for, I remind myself just what I put her through. Mostly, she has to put up with me asking her a lot of mundane questions like, “How do I check the oil level in my car?”

A Little Prairie Bog Magic

The following post is from guest blogger, Cindy Crosby. The post originally appeared on her blog, Tuesdays in the Tallgrass. “Nothing in the world is worth having or worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty… I have never in my life envied a human being

Brighter Days Ahead

Today is the winter solstice. The sun is at its lowest point in our Northern sky. Today will be the shortest day of the year and the night will be long and cold. But tomorrow begins the slow lengthening of days. And though we are

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