2021 Holiday Hike Challenge Results
This holiday season, many of you set out to find the big red holiday bows hanging on trees in 16 of our nature preserves. You travelled across West Michigan with your friends, family and pets and discovered gorgeous natural places—some for the first time!
A hearty thanks to everyone who participated in our Holiday Hike Challenge! Today we are excited to share with you the results and prize winners.
- 48 total participants
- LCWM preserves were visited a total of 208 times
- 4 participants visited all 16 preserves
- 0 participants successfully identified all 16 trees. One person successfully identified 14/16.
Congratulations to our winners!! We will be reaching out to everyone who won to arrange redemption of prizes. A special thank you to our prize donors, REI, Wild Ones Wellness, Brewery Vivant / Broad Leaf Local Beer, Books & Mortar, Trillium & Twig, Solstice Handmade, and Querkus Creative, for their generosity!
GRAND PRIZE: Outward Shelter from REI
Awarded to the first person to submit photos from all 16 preserves
Winner: Karen Olson
SECOND PRIZE: Private Yoga Class with Wild Ones Wellness
Awarded to the first person to successfully identify the most trees
Winner: Brianne Docter
$50 Gift Card to Brewery Vivant / Broad Leaf Local Beer
Mitchel Borchers
$25 Gift Card to Books and Mortar
Todd Olson
Trillim & Twig Printed Tea Towel
Ryan Struck-Vander Haak
Jen Goudreau
Anne Keller
Cheryl (@tjbcheryl)
Trillim & Twig Notecards
Emily Leslie
Querkus Creative Deer Print
Ann Ethel Nelson
Solstice Handmade Insect Print
The Kooymans (@family.rerouting)
Kevin Lee
Solstice Handmade Iron-On Patch
Lindsey Million
Susi Harter
Solstice Handmade Pin Set
Katie Goplerud
Blair Celano (@celanopics)
Katie Brown
Lisa Fox
Tari Koziatek
Nic L.
Lea Sevigny
Tree ID Answer Key
Anderson Woods | White pine (Pinus strobus) |
B.D. White | American elm (Ulmus americana) |
Brower Lake | White oak (Quercus alba) |
DePersia South Highlands | Hop hornbeam (Ostrya virginiana) |
Dune Pines | Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) |
Flower Creek Dunes | Northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis |
Kuker Van-Til | Eastern red cedar (Juniperus virginiana) |
Lake Breeze | American beech (Fagus grandifolia) |
Lamberton Lake Fen | Eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides) |
Maas Family | Black cherry (Prunus serotina) |
Minnie Skwarek | Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) |
Palomita | Eatern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis |
Richmond Woods | Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) |
Saul Lake Bog | Bur oak (Quercus macrocarpa) |
The Highlands | Basswood (Tilia americana) |
Wege Foundation | Bigtooth aspen (Populus grandidentata) |
Lisa Fox
Fantastic to see such good participation and happy to see how many won prizes. Thank you to the sponsors!