Letter from the Executive Director

Letter from the Executive Director

Fall is my favorite time of year, and observing the changing season got me thinking about nature and the transitions that occur in the natural world. In the autumn, plants move their energy into their roots in preparation for the period of rest ahead. The earth protects the resting plants from the harsh winter weather just as it protects animals hibernating underground. Our planet takes care of its inhabitants, yet who protects the earth?  

Fortunately, there are many people who feel called to protect our environment. I am inspired by the staff and supporters of the Land Conservancy who give so generously to care for our splendid and wonderous landscapes. The community members featured in this newsletter began their love affair with nature in childhood. Their desire to preserve this experience for future generations is what drives their altruism. Not only do they want to give back to the planet that has given them so much joy—they also want to ensure that others can enjoy the same sacred experience.

Though society may be divided at times, one thing unites us all: we share this earthly home, and it is ours to preserve or destroy. I hope you will join the Land Conservancy of West Michigan in the journey to protect natural spaces for future generations and help people enjoy and care for the land in our gorgeous region. 

We are holding many events this fall and invite you to take part. Join us to celebrate the opening of a new nature preserve, plant trees along the new stream at The Highlands, or go on a scavenger hunt for holiday bows in our nature preserves. Also, please remember to include conservation in your year-end charitable giving. The details for all these opportunities can be found in the back of this newsletter or on our website.

Thank you for being an ardent protector of this little corner of the earth!

Kind regards,

Kim Karn, Executive Director

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