Letter from the Executive Director

Letter from the Executive Director

In preparation for this newsletter, I have been ruminating on the duality of fire.  I am in awe of the two faces of this elemental wonder. It has the capacity to bring life back to depleted landscapes and, when left untended, the ability to consume an entire forest in a matter of hours. It is a tool that must be managed with a balanced hand or risk the flames spreading out of control.  

"Set your life on fire. Seek those who fan your flames." –RumiOur personal fires possess the same qualities of duality. We must sometimes tamp down our fiery personality traits or risk scorching ourselves and those around us.  Conversely, we must feed our inner flames or face the consequence of inevitable burnout.  

One way to keep a healthy spark of positivity is time spent in community.  Being with like-minded people has a rejuvenating effect on waning spirits.  Enthusiasm tends to be infectious.  Just as one candle lights another, a soul aflame has the potential to light the world.  

Whether you are a volunteer at workdays, support our mission financially and/or simply share the joy of the work that we do together, please know that we are grateful you are part of our community. Thank you for your help keeping nature nearby. 


Kim Karn, Executive Director

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