Holiday Hike Challenge Results!

Holiday Hike Challenge Results!

This holiday season, many of you set out to find the big red holiday bows hanging on trees in 16 of our nature preserves. You travelled across West Michigan with your friends, family and pets and discovered gorgeous natural places—some for the first time! 

A hearty thanks to everyone who participated in our Holiday Hike Challenge! Today we are excited to share with you the results and prize winners. 


  • 70 total participants 
  • LCWM preserves were visited a total of 527 times
  • 24 participants visited all 16 preserves! 
  • 0 successfully identified all 16 trees. 2 people successfully identified 15/16!
  • Participants were most stumped (no pun intended) by the tree at B.D. White Nature Preserve (Black Oak) 


Congratulations to our winners!! We will be reaching out to everyone who won to arrange redemption of prizes. A special thank you to our prize donors, Larry & Betsy Willey, Brewery Vivant / Broad Leaf Local Beer, Trillium & Twig, and Forest Hills Foods for their generosity!

GRAND PRIZE: Weekend Stay at a Lake Michigan Cottage (Donated by Larry & Betsy Willey)

Awarded to the first person to submit photos from all 16 preserves
Winner: Anne Keller

SECOND PRIZE: Guided Hike for 4 with Lunch

Awarded to the first person to successfully identify the most trees
Winner: William and Jennifer Baguley


$50 Gift Card to Brewery Vivant / Broad Leaf Local Beer
Kevin Gort 

$20 Gift Card to Forest Hills Foods
Matthew Dykstra 

2 Tea Towels printed with nature-inspired designs by Trillium & Twig
Rachel Wadke 

William HovingaAnna Felkers, Bobbi & Bob Sabine, Reg & Nancy Crowe, Bob Synk 

2 sets of 4 notecards featuring artwork inspired by LCWM protected natural areas
Emily Betz, Nikki Feenstra, Kimberly Carew, Kaitlyn Hutchins 

LCWM Sticker
Erin Harris, Philip Andre, David Dornbos, Micah P, Heather Bell, Sarah Elliott, Brian Johnson, Jill King, Linda Glaza-Harrington, Char Kruzich 

Tree ID Answer Key 

Anderson Woods  White oak (Quercus alba) 
B.D. White  Black oak (Quercus velutina) 
Brower Lake  Witch hazel (Hamamelis virginiana) 
DePersia South Highlands  Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) 
Dune Pines  American beech (Fagus grandifolia) 
Flower Creek Dunes  Black cherry (Prunus serotina) 
Kuker Van-Til  White pine (Pinus strobus) 
Lake Breeze  Red oak (Quercus rubra) 
Lamberton Lake Fen  Northern hackberry (Celtis occidentalis) 
Maas Family  Jack pine (Pinus banksiana) 
Minnie Skwarek  Sassafras (Sassafras albidum) 
Palomita  Yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis) 
Richmond Woods  Red maple (Acer rubrum) 
Saul Lake Bog  Pignut hickory (Carya glabra) 
The Highlands  Silver maple (Acer saccharinum) 
Wege Foundation  Tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera) 
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