2021 Native Plant & Tree Sales in West Michigan
Spring is coming! Now is a great time to start thinking about which native plants and trees you will grow in your yard this year.
Why native plants?
There are many reasons to landscape your yard with native plants. Plants that are native to our region provide essential habitat and food sources for native insect and wildlife species, including important pollinators like bees and butterflies. Native plants also have very deep root systems, which help prevent runoff pollution and erosion.
Doug Tallamy notes in his award-winning book “Bringing Nature Home: How Native Plants Sustain Wildlife in Our Gardens,” that with our continued rise in population, the suburban landscape has effectively replaced many rural landscapes that used to support native grasses and wildflowers on the edge of farming fields. Tallamy argues that even a modest increase in native habitat on suburban properties significantly increases the number and species of breeding birds, including those of conservation concern.
Planting natives helps protect our local wildlife and water quality, is easy to do and will add beauty to your yard in every season. Find a native plant sale near you below!
2021 native plant sales in West Michigan
Mason-Lake County
Mason-Lake Conservation District Spring Tree Sale – Orders due by March 12. Pick up on April 23 and 24.
Oceana County
Oceana Conservation District Tree Sale – Orders due by March 19. Pick up on April 17.
Oceana Conservation District Native Plant Sale – May 28, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. No pre-orders available.
Muskegon County
Muskegon Conservation District Spring Tree Sale – Pre-orders due by March 19. Pick up and extra stock sold on April 17.
Ottawa County
Ottawa Conservation District Native Tree Seedling Sale – Pre-0rders due April 7. Pick up April 16, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., by appointment only.
Ottawa Conservation District Native Plant Sale – TBD
Kent County
Calvin College Native Plant Sale – TBD
Kent Conservation District Spring Tree & Shrub Sale – Pre-orders due by April 2. Sale on April 24, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Kent Conservation District Wildflowers & Potted Plants Sale – Pre-orders due May 6. Sale on May 22, 10 a.m.-3 p.m.
Allegan County
Allegan Conservation District Tree Seedling Sale – Pre-order now. Pick-up on April 23, 1:00-6:00 pm and
April 24, 9:00 am-1:00 pm.
Allegan Conservation District Native Plant Sale – TBD, May 14 & 15th.