Author: Colin Hoogerwerf, Communications Director

Arctic(ish) Adventure

Recently I have been reading stories of polar explorers. I have long been fascinated by the men and women who strike out into the most desolate places on earth. I love the pictures of their hardened, stoic faces poking out through furry hoods, covered in

New Conservation as Year Ends

A little extra celebration was had this holiday season as a flurry of land protection happened in the last days of 2017. Two conservation agreements were completed as the year wrapped up, bringing the 2017 total to six new conservation agreements and the total acreage

Consumers Energy Foundation Awards Highlands Grant

The Consumers Energy Foundation recently announced a grant award of $100,000 to support The Highlands project, a Land Conservancy partnership with Blandford Nature Center to acquire the former Highlands Golf Club property and restore it to a public green space and natural area. Grant funds

Capturing Flower Creek Dunes

The following post is from Preserved! artist Randi Ford. The post was originally posted at where you can see more of her work. Learn more about the Preserved! art program here. I visited the Flower Creek Dunes for the first time recently, to become inspired for the Land

Interview with Anne Corlett

PRESERVED! Artist Interview Series Anne’s house is located in Saugatuck along a winding road that borders the winding Kalamazoo River. The leafy crowns of the surrounding towering trees fracture the sunlight, so it dances gleefully on the house’s dark wood siding. A wild, blooming garden wraps around

Interview with Steven Hughes

PRESERVED! Artist Interview Series Steven Hughes’ watercolor landscapes are stunningly intricate and detailed; the lakes and streams shimmer and sparkle, the rocks and trees seem to glow, the skies blend vibrant colors and dance with clouds. His portrait drawings are hauntingly beautiful, capturing both an expression and

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