Author: Land Conservancy

Skunk cabbage flowers emerge from the soil.

Spring’s Earliest Bloomer

Take an early spring hike through Minnie Skwarek Nature Preserve and you are likely to see the mottled, purplish spathes of skunk cabbage, Symplocarpus foetidus, poking through the snow and ice.

2021 Holiday Hike Challenge Results

This holiday season, many of you set out to find the big red holiday bows hanging on trees in 16 of our nature preserves. You travelled across West Michigan with your friends, family and pets and discovered gorgeous natural places—some for the first time!  A hearty thanks to everyone who participated in our Holiday Hike Challenge! Today we

2021 in Review

In 2021, we continued to be amazed by your outstanding support for the protection and care of West Michigan's natural areas. Please join us in reflecting on an incredible year for land conservation! Land Protection The Land Conservancy is proud to have supported the permanent protection of

Water: Fall Newsletter 2021

This fall's newsletter is centered around all the ways land conservation supports the quality of our watersheds. In this issue, you'll read about the Land Conservancy's strategy for protecting West Michigan's Big Forests & Wild Rivers, a project to daylight an underground stream at The

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