Author: Marie Orttenburger

native plant sales in west michigan

2019 Native Plant Sales in West Michigan

We are finally inching toward more spring-like conditions here in West Michigan, and what better way to usher them in than with some daydreaming about native plant gardening? There are already sales happening throughout our service area. Browse plant catalogs, place your orders and mark

Save Michigan Hemlocks

The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid (HWA) is an invasive species that has devastated the hemlock forests in the southeast United States. It was first detected in West Michigan in 2016 and now threatens the hemlocks of our own lakeshore and northern forests. The known extent of HWA

One Week as a Stewardship Intern

"Ugh… day one" says everyone else on Monday mornings. Not a Stewardship Intern at the Land Conservancy of West Michigan. Our week is action packed, full of adventure and beautiful sights! Monday Herbiciding at Wege Foundation Natural Area Dorthea and I spent the day at The Wege

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